Saturday, May 17, 2014

I discovered a new favorite place today. It is the Stone Arch Bridge historic site just off the main highway as you are entering the city of Nauvoo. When the Mormons first came to Commerce, IL (name later changed to Nauvoo) the land was wet and swampy. They dug a canal and drained the water off the land into the Mississippi River, making the land usable to build a city on. This is what is left of the canal. It is a beautiful site, as you can see.
I have also included a few of my other new favorite sites.

Looking down the path towards the canal.

Down at the bottom looking out towards the river.

Another shot looking toward the river.

Here is the stone arch bridge looking north towards Nauvoo.

A close up of the falls coming down the canal.

Looking back up the path to the parking lot.

This is a war veterans memorial at this Stone Arch Bridge historic site.

This is a new favorite site of mine. I work here 1 day a week helping visitors get information on ancestors that lived here in Nauvoo between 1839 - 1847. We can print any information they find on a CD for them to take with them! A real treasure for sure!

This is the Lands and Records building site where I work 1 day a week.

Another one of my favorite places is the Scoville Bakery. I was asked to be an assistant site leader and so now I spend 2 days a week here telling the story of the Lucius & Lury Scoville and about their bakery! The building was constructed on the original foundation. The summer kitchen is the small building you see in the background on the left where they would bake in the summer heat!

Yesterday I spent 2 hours here at the Family Search Center across from the Nauvoo Temple doing research on my ancestors. I was able to find 40 names to do temple work for! Yeah!
This is another new favorite place to go and do research on my family in whatever free time I have!

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