Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Today I decided half way through the day to take a few pictures of visitors that came through the Scovil Bakery and ask them about their feelings while visiting Nauvoo. Here are a few......
Jim & Sandy Guest from Dallas, TX.
They said that "visiting Nauvoo has been a very spiritual, moving and fascinating experience. We are amazed at the fortitude of the early saints. Muslims go to Mecca - Mormons go to Nauvoo!"

John & Judy Kowalezyk from Nebraska. They are not of our faith.
John's family is from Poland and he said that he has really enjoyed coming to visit Nauvoo and the other Church History sites. It has given them a better historical understanding of the persecutions and culture of our people. John said that he had taken over 800 photos just today of Nauvoo and has really enjoyed the experience!

The Petersen Family on their way to live in Provo, Utah after doing an internship in Massachusetts
from L to R
Sam, Hatsumi, me, Corey & Jimmy

 After we gave the tour to the Petersen family, we asked them where they were from and then they asked Sister Swapp and I where we were from. When I said that I am from Southern California he asked what city, and I told him Laguna Hills. Corey, the Dad said, "my Grandfather lives in Huntington Beach." I said that I used to live there - what is his Grandfather's name? When he said Kent Pugmire, I could hardly believe it because Kent is a dear friend of mine and so was his sweet wife Georgia who passed away about a year ago. Small world!!! Another fun Nauvoo connection!

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