Friday, October 31, 2014

 My cute grandson, Weston Port, recently read the book, "Flat Stanley" in his 2nd Grade class. It is a book about a boy who got flattened by a bulletin board and traveled across the country in a big envelope. So I received a big envelope last week with Weston's version of Flat Stanley and he wanted to see Nauvoo and what I do. So I took pictures of us spending time together and sent the pictures and Flat Stanley back to Weston! So here are the pictures of our adventures together.....
In the "green room" waiting to go on stage in the "Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo" show

Flat Stanley, Sister Schultz and me

Carving pumpkins for the Nauvoo Halloween celebration

Checking out our ancestors that lived in Nauvoo in Land & Records
Spent the day in Carthage going on tours

Inside the Carthage Visitor's Center with the Prophet Joseph Smith look down on us

Flat Stanley just couldn't resist playing in the Fall leaves

Wanted to climb the tree outside my home

Stopped by the brickyard to get the famous red clay Nauvoo brick

wanted to go for a wagon ride, but had to wait for the horses to show up

Stopped by the Print Shop to see where books and newswpapers were printed

Of course we had to go by Brigham Young's home! He was the great colonizer of the West

This one's for you LaReda Webb Porter! I jumped on this wagon hoping to get a ride down Parley Street

Dropped in to the blacksmith shop to pick up my "prairie diamond ring" and miniature horseshoe from Elders Olsen and Schultz

Met a couple of Nana's friends at the Post Office - Sisters Broadhead and Redd

For sure we had to stop by the Scovil Bakery to get the little gingerbread cookie

Saying goodbye on Nana's porch before heading back to Ladera Ranch California

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